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Dragon Ball Z
Sailor Moon
Laura Manship - Stiff
People this is a joke for a very special lady called Laura
Manship ( not special to me though ) I thought I'd embarrass
her for a bit and put her image on the front of my page
hopefully she'll see this ( HI LAURA!) and that's her in the
background !

History behind the image: This was taken in year 8 when Laura, Paula
and myself went skiing on a school trip lots of fun
See you at school Laura!
1/12/00 Info - Stiff
People I'm looking for someone willing to host me. I don't need
anything special just somewhere I have a good url rather than a
90 word one! Hum I also made the Sailor Moon Section ^_~
know I've been taking my time but I want this version to last. I
have a knack for getting board too quickly with websites just
look at
A great looking site but I got board and made this one. But I'm
proud of this one its a keeper!
to make more anime section when I see more, there's not a lot in
the UK at the moment, I think I heard someone at school say
Tekno Mans on Fox Kids (used to be on Sci Fi Channel when sky
first started!) And I heard a rumor that Cartoon network is
amazed the reasons it has got from Dragon Ball Z and is looking
into more anime like Gundam Wing not sure if its true will get
back to you UK fans!
22/11/00 Update - Stiff
HEY KIDS. Been doing my Mock G.C.S.E.'s at school this week so
not much of a visual update but I have sorted out a few problems
I've been having with the uploading and online organization of
the site. Will soon have my own computer, built by me, so there
will be some changes but not to the site but the way I work on
Thanx -Stiff
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