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Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Mizuno Ami is the smart and level headed one of the group. An A-
would absolutly ruin her report card and she dreams of one day
becoming a doctor. Mercury has excellent computer skills and
aids the sailor scouts with the use of a supercomputer diguised
as a compact and a pair of special scanning goggles. Although
quiet and shy, Sailor Mercury puts up a good fight, using her
mind to overcome her less intelligent foes. She has taken on
several foes single handedly and won.
Real Name: Ami Mizuno
Age: 14
Birthday: September 10
Star sign: Virgo
Element: Water
Likes: Books, Chess
Dislikes: Practical Jokes
Hobbies: Computers
Special Strenghts: Smart, Strategist
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Subject: Math
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