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Sailor Moon
Sailor Venus
Venus was the last Sailor Scout to join the group. Before that
she was the ever elusive, awe inspiring Sailor V! fighting solo
against evil. Artemis guided her until she met up with the
Sailor Scouts, and lives with her in her home. In the manga she
fisrt appeared posing as the moon princess to protect the true
princess until her memories returned. Sailor Venus is warm and
freindly and likes a good romantic movie. She also one day dream
of becoming an idol singer.
Real Name: Aino Minako/Mina
Age: 14
Birthday: October 22
Star sign: Libra
Likes: Sports and Dance
Dislikes: Show-offs
Hobbies: Playing Games
Special Strengths: Leadership
Favorite Food: Any Pasta
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Animal: Birds
Favorite Subject: Gymnastics
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