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Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z :-
Sound Files |
Todays Date:- Fri, March 14
Dragon Ball Z - Goku
Goku is one of the last of the race of
Saiyajins and main character of both Dragon Ball, DB for Short,
and Dragon Ball Z, DBZ for short. He has a heart of gold
and sees good in anybody. He loves to fight as it is in
his blood and has become the strongest of the Saiyajins.
Throughout the series he rivals Vegita, but unlike Vegita, never
lets his pride to get the best of him. He was the first in
the show to achieve Super Saiyajin, and the ONLY character
(besides the fused Gotenks) to achieve Super Saiyajin III.
He has a wife Chi-Chi, and two sons Gohan and Goten.
Although Goku is the main character of the show, he really
doesn't appear much except for when the huge fights start.
His son Gohan is more of the main character than he is
toward the end of the show. With his rival Vegita, he can
fuse to become Gogita or with the Potara Earrings fuse to become
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